Friday, November 08, 2013

Construction a House in Hyderabad a Step by Step Guide

                                      Sometime in Jan 2013, I was fed up of searching for Apartments , Plots to Invest and then one day we decided to demolish our present residence and construct here itself. Recently, in Oct 2011 the GO s changed and so there are lot of changes which I came to know when applying for the Building Approval Plan @ Moosapet Municipal Office.

Here goes the steps you follow:

1. Building Plan Approval
Things Needed: Construction Plan approved by a Authorized Civil Engineer/Architect
                         DD for the respective Amount &
                         Get ready to Bribe Ofcourse

You would also start your search for a building contractor (If you would like to give it completely to a contractor) or a Mason Contractor ( You would be supplying material and also you take responsibility of Electrician , Plumber)

2. Demolition of existing house if any
      Dont get into a Hurry and demolish as soon as you submit your application for the building construction approval. Since you never know it might even take months for the approval to be given. So until then, you might want to extend your rentals or any other happenings that are taking place in the premises. This is a caution.
     Sometimes, even the loans that you are trying for might also get delayed or the financial adjustments before you actually jump into the construction.

       So kindly make your financial calculations, basic architectural plans and building approvals ready before you go ahead with demolition

3. Borewell
      It is now an essential for water and the borewell. There are mandatory rules where in you need to get permission to get the borewell work done. Sometimes the Borewell guy will take care of this. You need to check with them about the same. Check about the different pipes, rate slabs on different depths before you go ahead.

4. Now that you are ready with water, building approvals, and ofcourse an empty and plain land right now. You will get to visualize the space and borders well. Now is the time, you get your mason contractor to lay the boundaries and mark them before they kickstart of the works. ( I chose Mason contract)

More to go....

Tips during House Construction

With a very minor exposure in the construction and right now getting my house constructed, I felt the following tips will help other owners who are planning to get a house ( which is a Big Dream ever irrespective of the size of the house ) Constructed. I am based from Hyderabad and so, if any places are mentioned will be in and around Andhra Pradesh.

  • Sand is the requisite without which your project (house) skeleton cannot be completed. At various stages, you will need different variety of sand. Lets talk :
    • For Slab Construction, you will need Rough Sand. Too rough sand (fat) is also not Good for slab construction. Usually, the proportion is 1:6:7 ( 1 for Cement bag, 6 for Sand Gampas, 7 for 20mm metal stone gampas). I got the sand from Bodhan, Karimnagar, Kurnool loads. Bhodhan was Good most of the times
    • For Brick Work, lesser rough sand when compared to Slab is used
    • For Plastering, Soft sand is used which is so soft and not as soft as a talcom powder (if that is what you observe, then that might be filtered sand which is not good for construction)
    • For 2nd Coating of Plastering, sand should be filtered for any stones and other similar stuff
    • Beware, during Sand load Weighment, ensure that all the tyres of the truck are on the weighing bridge, According to my experience, a 12 tyre empty lorry or truck is about 10500kgs and can be higher. 
    • Make sure that mud presence in sand is minimal or nothing. Mud presence will weaken the slabs which causes to leak and so same with the brick walls

  •  Centring is related to Steel rods organizing before slab construction
    • Make sure the rods are locked as L shaped at the corners, this usually the labor does not do, but at later stage it allows cracks to form in the walls
    • There are (ohms symbol) representing couplings which are put in between two layers of rods. These two layers are usually seen in the corridor and balcony places and the coupling are put so that they two layers are having gap between each other, else the purpose is not solved.
    • Ensure no mud or any other waste particles are left in the gaps. 
    • Ensure that there are no gaps for water to leak between the joins and under the rods. You will find tapes to cover the centring boxes gaps. 
    • Overlapping of Rods will have a specific calculated size that the rods to be overlapped.

  •  Curing  for the construction is very much needed. The more water curing you do the better and strong house you build and the less chances for leakages too.
  •  Bricks as we think is not a easy task to count or order. The brick sample you see might not be same as what you get. It is very much good for you to calculate or count the number of bricks as the labor is unloading the load. Else the gaps between the bricks and the rows might make you fall into a trap that you are given with promised number or even more. In the first load I lost about 800 bricks (approx. 5600 INR). Thanks to my Mason contractor who gave me the tricks and showed me all the tricks the labor could play. Brick counting is fun game
more later