Friday, July 24, 2009

How to Setup IntegrityApp (A continuous integration tool for Ruby on Rails)

CI a buzz word in the latest technology has hit us too., and we started off to go with IntegrityApp for our Rails Application, but then there were few technical issues which on tweeking were solved and now is made available for you to make use and make it run for your projects in no time.

the git clone url for the integrityapp (After the changes being incorporated)

git clone git://

Then follow these steps and go on installing the Integrity :

These are the detailed steps for your reference

1) Installing the Git from the git clone

git clone git://

2) Now following the steps in the github, firstly installing the sinatra gem

(i) To Install sinatra, you need to have rack

gem install rack

(ii) Now go ahead to install the sinatra gem

gem install sinatra-sinatra -s

3) Next with thin and sqlite adapters (as mysql is not working with Integrity yet) and oauth

gem install thin do_sqlite3

gem install oauth

gem install -s jstewart-yammer4r (* if you would like to have notifiers to YAMMER)

4) Copy the sample configurations file as a

cp config/ config/

5) Now the db yml file as well and change the settings according to your needs and also the paths in the file for builds and logs

cp config/config.sample.yml config/config.yml

6) Db Migrate step

bin/integrity migrate_db

7) make sure these directories exist :
(i) :export_directory --> The directory path which you have specified in config.yml
(ii) /tmp/integrity-exports/cache

8) Starting the server

thin -C config/config.yml -R config/ start

**This is what worked for me (make sure all path variables are added)
~/.gem/ruby/1.8/bin/thin -C config/config.yml -R config/ start
(Add bin to your paths)


bin/integrity launch

9) starting with new Project

open localhost:3000 ( default port is 3000)

and create a new project and click on Manual Build. It doesn't give you any signs of the process being completed, upon returning to the projects page, you will find the details of the build

Monday, July 20, 2009

CurvyCorners and Coda-slider

The Problem:

Applying Rounded Corners to a web-page divs where in you also have a coda-slider inside the main div works not only in Firefox and other major browsers but also in MSIE-6 & > versions.
Upon Searching for rounded corners, I came across many plugins and css tricks like rounded-corners, corner, curvycorners to name a few, but none was giving what I expected to work in IE.
I was happy to see CurvyCorners working in IE when codaslider was not integrated, but it also bombed when slider was integrated, although the corners were getting rounded, the slider was not in place either in IE or in firefox.


Coda-slider (I have used this)

Rounded Corners: (and Used this version 2.0.3)

The Directory for rounded corners

So, I have taken to the task of finding a solution to make it work when it is integrated too.

Now into the solution:

Step 1:

Applying rounded corners to an div having only content. I am using the Nifty Corners for the rounded corners (as a first test)

Changed my Mind: Proceeding with where I left... Starting with CuryCorners Plugin

Working Normally for a simpl,e div with text
Step 2:

Now applying Slider into the div:

When the slider is applied to the div, the corners are getting applied but the slider href are getting manipulated when the curvyCorners function is being called

Step 3:

Eliminate the Slider and only put a div with a href and the curvy corners js and its related functions

Working fine, but when when tested for the returning of the value of
$(this).parent().attr('href').slice(1) returns the whole url string instead of the last number or the last element
for suppose
this is the url:
Instead of giving 6 it returns the whole url after the curvycorners method is invoked only in IE6 & IE 7. For firefox it is working fine

Step 4:

Now debugging into the curvy corners Method in curvycorners.src.js

Step by step and function by function, at one point you see that in the above js file the author is taking a back-up of the whole content in the following syntax:

this.boxContent =;

along with other properties and then he is doing the following = "";

And then re-assigning the content into another new div as follows:

var contentContainer = document.createElement("div");
contentContainer.innerHTML = this.boxContent;

This is where the problem persists. Actually when we the backup of the whole content is being done and re-assigned in IE 6 & 7 versions. the href attribute is getting stored with the complete base url.

And in the coda slider onclick functionality we have been using the following

theInterval($this.parent().attr('href').slice(1) - 1);

where in the attr('href') is returning the whole url and in the string format which is not getting sliced. To the above instead if you put the following syntax, and split the whole by "#" and get the number from the array, here you go you get what you are waiting for:::


Step 5:

Integrate and look with the working version of Coda-Slider & the CurvyCorners in IE 6 & 7 as well.